The Nr. 1 reason not to hire a sales agent!

The Nr.1 reason not to hire you!

Which one is the Nr. 1 reason NOT to hire a sales agent? 

Hire a sales agent! I am Alex Valassidis and expert sales consultant and managing director of Vpragon, the uncompromised sales outsourcing agency. 

I have over 30 years of sales experience. I sold anything you can imagine, from time sharing to door to door products sales, from retail to Big Businesses, from cold calling to complex software solutions sales. 

I have been rejected 1000s of times and I’ve heard countless NO’s. 

So… if there is something I know very good that is the sales profession

Nowadays on Vparagon, my sales outsourcing agency, I can tell who is a sales shark, who has the potential to become one and who is a big NO. 

The often negative role of unqualified sales managers. – Hire a sales agent

On the sales arena there are many different players and many different sales managers that decide in favour or against hirring a sales person. The problem is that those people that most of the times occupy the possition of a sales manager lack the practical experience and don’t know which are the virtues that make a salesperson an effective one. 

There are things in life that you don’t learn on a college, you can not learn swimming without jumping on the water. Unfortunately many excellent sales people (often) lack the theoretical background and analytical skills required to occupy the position of a sales manager. 

The result of all these is that often, specialy in big cooporations, unqualified sales managers don’t know how to hire a sales agent, and that is a big issue, because the quality of the sales agents that work for you is the backbone of your sales activities, without them no sales are going to be generated. They are the ones that make the difference. 

When I interview sales people there is one thing that triggers an alarm within me and  I don’t hire him. 

You want to find out what it is? 

See the video why not to hire a sales agent. 

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