Simple answers to life’s complexity
Especially nowadays on the times of the scrolling walls of Facebook, a lot of super-simplified messages are being passed, a lot of slogans, that give very superficial opinions and standpoints to complex life situations.
Mostly all motivational short video clips, memes but also published successful books and superstar life coaches, save lives easily on stage and give uncomplicated answers to audiences that are thirsty to drink the water of solutions, overcome their hesitations and improve their lives.
The non-understanding of academic and scientific thinking, the often-provocative denial from most people to understand deeper why things happen, tends not only to keep life on a superficial level but even worst to develop based on super-simplified popular slogans.
There is a variety of reasons why that happens.
Firstly, a big chunk of the blame goes to the arrogance of the academic community, that to keep their status and often to hide their incompetence they either add complexity to already complex scenarios or build walls to avoid the entrance of more people in the academic world in fear of competition.
Secondly, capitalism with its commercial competitiveness creates profit-making academic institutions that only in a small part can truly be considered as such. The participants of those self-proclaimed colleges and universities feel entitled to express scientific positionings without ever having true university-level education.
Lastly, the negation of people to use their most important muscle, their brain, never challenge it, never make it think deeper, mostly because of laziness but also because of the refusal to leave spaces where comfort and acceptance is provided.
There is however a big advantage on the simplification of life, and that is, that it drives to action.
Often the analysis can go forever, deeper, and deeper without practical application however it distances from the truth.
Winners in life are doers, not thinkers, and I must admit that the new “super-simplified” world drove many people into action, people that 20 years ago were given no chance and no opportunity to create an instance by themselves.
Of course, during this process, a lot of foam came to the surface too and a lot of disasters happened, however also a lot of good stuff and great personalities came in the light and improved their and our lives.
There is no bad thing without something good in it.
The intention of this article is to start a series of articles and bust popular myths.
Those are trendily simplified beliefs, that often contain some truth, they are however too simple to give real solutions to problems.
Work harder with all its variations is a very popular myth.
Work harder, wake up earlier, 10X, Hussle,
Obviously, you must work hard if you want to achieve something. But stating it that way is something so stupid and super simple.
Besides of working hard, let us see which other factors might influence the outcome of your work.
- Networking and connections
- S.P. of your product or service
- Social and soft skills
- Family and friends
- Charisma
- Q and E.Q.
- Geographical criteria (do you live in the US or in Uganda?)
- Education
- Languages spoken
- Culture
- Money you have
Those are some of the factors that are going to influence your success, outcome, and results besides working hard. The understanding of the complexity and the ability to understand how life really works is going to enlighten you and make you more successful just from the fact that you are going to be able to navigate better in life when you understand it. Similarly, as a person with good vision can avoid obstacles and get to his destination easier and faster than someone with impaired vision or a blind person, the one that understands the world deeper and better is going to be more successful.
A brilliant example of this, is that successful people tend to be successful where they are regardless of their environment. When the iron curtain collapsed, frequently the ones that used to be in top positions in the communist regimes that ruled the countries, happened to be the successful entrepreneurs of the liberal version of the country some years ago. Not always, but very often. It is the mindset that makes the difference more than the circumstances.
In this superficial world, the answers are most of the time below the surface.