Every day, you go out in the world and do your best to make a sale. Ideally, your sales pitch works, and you turn your prospective customers into buyers. But that’s not often the case. More often than not, you get objections from your prospects.
There’s no need to worry, though. Knowing how to deal with these objections can help you turn them into sales. And having some sales objection scripts at your disposal will definitely serve you.
Don’t Take ‘No’ For An Answer
No matter how successful you are as a salesperson, every now and then, you meet a prospective client that automatically rejects your proposal. It is natural to face resistance from prospects, but you should also know how to eliminate the resistance naturally.
Overcoming every kind of objection is possible. The important thing is not to be caught off-guard, and sales objections scripts will be your shield in the sales war.
But before moving on to sales objection scripts, we should talk about the general process of handling objections first. How you handle their objections will make an impact on your prospective clients. If you respond automatically and start reciting a random script against any objection, you will lose your client’s interest. Let’s have a look at what you can do before to avoid this.
Pay Attention
Listen to what your prospective client is saying. If you listen to them attentively and understand their perspective, you might ease their concerns before they even turn into objections.
Instead of just nodding and moving on with your pre-written sales objections scripts, let your prospective client speak and pay attention to their needs. Try to spot possible problem areas in their lives or businesses that might give them a reason to object to you. Then try to resolve them before they surface.
You won’t regret giving them a few extra minutes of your time as you’ll be rewarded later. When you pay close attention to your prospects, they will feel that you really care and give you the benefit of the doubt before automatically rejecting your offer.
Empathize and Internalize
Try to understand your prospective client’s reasons for objecting to your sales plan. Put yourself in their shoes. Why are they objecting to your sales offer? Do they have sensible reasons, or are they just making excuses not to continue with the transaction? What can you offer to solve their problems, ease their minds, or break their will?
Try to empathize with your prospects before presenting them with one script after another, like a sales robot. Try to understand what works best for them and what works best with them. Internalize their worries, problems, and objections. Tell them you understand. Then offer them a script that will speak to them on a personal level.
Respond and Deliver
Now it’s time for you to show your prospect you are ready to serve them, no matter what. You can respond with a ready-made script, but don’t forget to personalize what you want to say according to your prospective client. Don’t take ‘no’ for an answer, but offer something to your prospect so that they will continue to listen and keep the door open for your sale. This way, you can turn things around and get a deal out of an objection.
So, let’s see some of the most common sales objections and rebuttal tactics and scripts that you can use to defer them.
Most Common Objections, Useful Rebuttals, and Sales Objection Scripts
Not Interested
Prospect: “I am not interested.”
This is one of the most automated responses you can get from a prospective client. This objection usually has nothing to do with you as a salesperson. Rather, it is an impulsive defense mechanism against any sales pitch. What you need to do here is to make the prospect interested. You need to make him feel that your sales pitch is worth listening to.
Tell the prospect you understand exactly how they feel. Tell them there are other services/products out there that could waste their time, but yours is not one of them.
You can tell them about other clients who reacted the same way but then realized they actually needed your service/product and were glad to have landed you an ear. Underline how listening to you for a few seconds might benefit them. They might not be interested in your offer, but they are certainly interested in boosting their business. Use that to your advantage.
Sample response script:
“Believe me, I know. You hear something like this every day. But I also know that you’re interested in boosting your business. Giving me a few minutes of your day now will save you a lot of time and money in the future. This will improve your business in so many ways that you will be glad we met, like many of my clients have been. In fact, let me share briefly with you how I’ve helped several other businesses just like yours…”
The Cold Shoulder
Prospect: “Just send me your information, and I’ll have a look at it later.”
Everyone in sales has heard this too many times. This is the number one blow-off tactic that clients use when they have already made up their minds about refusing you. If you want to have the slightest chance to pitch, you’ll need to know how to handle this objection.
You must have a sales script handy to refute this objection right away and buy yourself some time to make your pitch. If you miss your chance, your prospect will most likely forget about you the minute you walk out the door or hang up the phone. Ending the conversation to send your information and marketing materials over equals giving up.
Agree to send them anyway, but try to lower their guard to open a window for your pitch then and there. Tell them you understand how valuable their time is, and you have no intentions to take more than necessary. You can also ask the prospect some open-ended questions to intrigue them into hearing more from you.
Sample response script:
“I can certainly do that. I don’t want to take any more of your time than needed. But, for me to do that, could you share some information on your company’s needs? This way, I can send you the right information so that you won’t need to go through all those needless marketing materials. I’m only interested in meeting your exact needs. So, please bear with me and tell me what you might be interested in… “
The Gatekeeper
Prospect: “I don’t have the authority to discuss this with you,” or, “I will have to talk to my partner first.”
We’ve all met them: the gatekeepers. They are the first bump on the road, the first glass door that you bump your head into while eagerly running towards a sales. They’ll block your way if they want to and prevent you from even making a pitch. Your communication with the gatekeeper will determine the future of your sales. So, it’s best if you learn from the best and follow our advice.
You are standing face to face with the person who can make you or break you. So beware of any conflicts or tense arguments. They hold your ticket to get in –they’ll give it to you if you convince them or block you out entirely. But you need to stop seeing them as gatekeepers and focus on making them your allies. So, your first step is to show them you value them.
Then, you’ll make your first sales pitch to them. If they buy into your offer, they will be your pitcher inside and make the sale for you. So, try to form a bond of trust with them. Convince them that you have their best interest in mind, and you are ready to serve them.
Sample response script:
“I understand that. But I value your opinion, and I would appreciate it if you could give me some feedback. So, would you think that my offer would benefit your company in any way? Or, what points should I focus on to improve your business? Because I believe that our services will be highly beneficial to your company, and I would hate to see that you’ll miss out on the chance to boost your business. So, if you could just tell me in which ways our offer could benefit your business….”
No Pain No Gain
Nothing comes easy in this life, but making a great sale is worth fighting for! No sales objection is unrefutable if you have the right tools. In this case, the best tools are sales objection scripts.
We’ve covered the most common sales objections, but there are several others that you might hear on a usual workday. So follow us for more tips and contact us for bulls-eye advice on expanding and accelerating your sales.